Friday, April 3, 2009

Got The Evidence!!

Now I know who the culprits are. I saw them do it. I caught them stealing them. And now, I got the evidence, stored in my camera.

It was a few days ago I noticed that some of my chillies have gone. I didn't remember I picked them since they were still young and green. My boys, nope, they wouldn't go near them unless I asked their help to water it. So, who did it?

Until one morning, I saw few cockatoos sat on the edge of the balcony. They moved slowly toward my chilli tree, and snap....with the very sharp beak, they picked it. I quickly ran to get my batteries. So no evidence was taken that morning as I shooed them away before my chillies were completely gone.

It wasn't until the next morning that I had my camera ready in my hand and waited for those beautiful but naughty birds came back. This time, I got it. Yes, I got the evidence...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

These are the evidence


blank said...

Oh. These are the bigger sized chillies. My in-law's garden has those tiny little chilli padi plant and boy those are really hot.. but birds love it too.

feb said...

I know the birds love eating seed, but I didn't think that they like chilli seed, since its seed is the hottest part :-) Well, from that day, I brought my pot plant inside

Vonny said...

Are the birds free ? I mean, they are not somebodies pets? I see them in the bird parks only, here in Singapore.

The life in Kumla said...

The birds must be some import fron Thailand


feb said...

Vonny,the birds are part of wildlife, they aren't somebodies pets :)

Ben, hahaha, you are probably right :)